Nicolas Polomack
My personal blog, with all my random thoughts
About me
2018-11-07 - Everything to know about me

Hi, I am Nicolas Polomack, an EPITECH student currently in my 4th year.
I am currently studying for an Advanced Computer Science MSc at the University of Kent, at Canterbury in the UK.
I'm really interested in software architecture and how to best design a system that allows for ease of use and expandablility while still maintaining efficiency and I'm trying to reflect this in the projects I do.

Background studies

Currently: Student, EPITECH Strasbourg, 5th year — 2016 - expected 2021
Computer Science school, Epitech, Strasbourg.
5-year curriculum, currently in 5th year.
Grade Point Average (GPA): 3.65 out of 4.00

University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom — 2020
Master of Science with Merit in Advanced Computer Science.

Lycée Fustel de Coulanges, Strasbourg, France — 2016
General Scientific Baccalaureate, with honors.


Intern developer, ITS Future, Strasbourg — Apr 2019 - Jul 2019
Intern full-stack developer at ITS Future, working on an IoT platform built using TypeScript.
Using technologies like message queues and libraries like TypeORM, NestJS, Angular, and more.

Teaching assistant, EPITECH Strasbourg — Jan 2018 - Jul 2018 / Sep 2018 - Mar 2019
Teaching assistant EPITECH Strasbourg, assuring educational support for 1st and 2nd-year students
and supervise the different educational activities.

Internship teaching assistant, EPITECH Strasbourg — Sep 2017 - Jan 2018
Internship as a teaching assistant at EPITECH La Réunion for its opening year.
I was the only assistant there, working directly with the local pedagogical director.


Programming languages

Some of the languages I used during my curriculum were:

  • C: A lot of it, and I love it. It's a very nice lightweight low-level language, despite being unsafe.
  • C++: Quite a lot as well, but I find that developer experience could be better in the language.
  • Rust: High-level abstractions, low-level performance and guaranteed memory safety, pick three.
    My favorite language of all-time and definitely one of the most promising languages currently.
    I am actively using it for a lot of my personal side-projects.
  • Haskell: My first functional language and I really like the paradigm.
    In fact, I chose most of my EPITECH's 3rd year projects to be Haskell projects.
    It had a lot of influence on my coding practices in any language.
  • Javascript: The funniest yet the most popular (and I would say practical) language of all time. I love the language and its ecosystem.
  • Python: Primarly for mathematical or cryptography-related projects because of its ease of use.

Foreign languages

French: Native speaker
English: C1 (Professional level)
Spanish: A2 (Learning level)

Some projects I have done


Github repository:

The 42sh is an advanced Unix shell implementing pipes, logical '&&' and '||', aliases, auto-completion, history, globbing, backticks (or magic quotes) and other features written as a group of 5 students in C.
It has become my default shell ever since and I maintaining it actively.


Github repository (raytracer1):
Github repository (raytracer2):

These two projects aimed at writing a raytracer implementing effects like depth-of-field, soft shadows, reflections/refractions, 3D anaglyph, etc... and uses techniques such as multithreading and network clustering to accelerate computation times. raytracer1 was written by myself alone and raytracer2 was built as a group of 4 students, both in C.

Image rendered with raytracer1: raytracer1 white_room

Image rendered with raytracer2: raytracer2 glass_dragon


Github repository:

This project is about implementing a game as the combination of:

  • A server, who serves as the game master and implementer, implemented in C.
  • an AI who can connect to the server and attempt to win the game, implemented in Python.
  • a graphical interface to visualize the AIs playing the game, implemented in HTML/CSS/Javascript.


Deployed live at:
Github repository:

This is a dashboard application, built without any framework, upon native browser technologies like Custom Elements, ES6 modules and the HTML <template> element (via lit-html).